Harsha Chenji, Ph.D.

Founder and Independent Researcher
Formerly: Associate Professor, School of EECS, Ohio University

Contact Info:
h.chenji at gmail dot com


I was an Associate Professor in the School of EECS at Ohio University, where I led the Wireless Systems Research Group (WSRG). My areas of research include quantum information, quantum networks, AI for material science, wireless optical and cellular networks, computer architecture and space cybersecurity.

Previously, I was a postdoc in the Wireless Networks Lab, headed by Prof. Zygmunt J. Haas, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. I received my PhD and MS in Computer Engineering from Texas A&M University, advised by Prof. Radu Stoleru. Back in 2007, I happened to obtain a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, from NITK Surathkal, India. I am originally from Bangalore, India.

Sponsored Research

We are very grateful to these agencies for sponsoring our group's research:

Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN): "Intelligent Channel Sensing Based Secure Cross Layer Cognitive Networking for Resilient Space Communication". $800,000 (2016-2018). PI: John Wu (Wright State), co-PIs: Vijay Devabhaktuni, Ahmad Javaid (Univ. of Toledo), Bob Mills and Scott Graham (Air Force Institute of Technology), Gordon Stewart (Ohio University). My role: local PI @ Ohio University ($100,000).
National Science Foundation (NSF) #1657279: "CRII: NeTS OP: A Software Defined Approach to Laser-based Free Space Optical Networks". $175K (2017-2019). Single PI.
REU Supplement: $16,000 (2017)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR): "DistressNet-NG: Resilient Mobile Broadband Communication and Edge Computing for FirstNet". $1,800,000 (2017-2020). PI: Prof. Radu Stoleru @ Texas A&M. Co-PI: Dr. Walt Magnussen @ Texas A&M. My role: local PI @ Ohio University ($500,000).
DoD/Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL): "Assured Digital Microelectronics Education & Training Ecosystem (ADMETE)". $1,800,000 (2020-2024). PI: Prof. Avinash Karanth. Co-PIs: Chad Mourning, Harsha Chenji, Savas Kaya, David Juedes
Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE): "Strategic Education Initiatives to Improve Cyber-Defenses in State of Ohio". $225,161 (2020-2024). PI: Prof. Avinash Karanth. Co-PIs: Chad Mourning, Harsha Chenji, Savas Kaya, David Juedes
Ohio Cyber Range Institute (OCRI): "Developing Educational Materials for Post-Quantum Cryptography Application". $20,000 (2024-2024). Role: PI.
Ohio Cyber Range Institute (OCRI): "Satellite and Aerospace Cybersecurity Education". $100,000 (2024-2025). Role: PI.
School of EECS Internal Award: "Towards Distributed Quantum Computing with Quantum Networks". $40,000 (2024-2025). Role: PI.

